Make a Difference Today
At our youth and community centre, we are dedicated to providing essential services to our community. Your donations help us to continue running these services and make a real difference in the lives of those we serve. We greatly appreciate your support and thank you for helping us to make a positive impact in our community.

Grow The Vision
We are able to offer these services thanks to the support we get from individuals and organizations who share our vision. Together, we can bridge the funding gap, safeguard our vital work, and inspire a brighter future for the young people and adults in our community. Join us today in making a profound impact on their lives. Every contribution counts!
Another easy way to help support the work of The Shed to continue and develop, is through easy-fundraising. By following through this website, and making purchases through sites such as Amazon, easy-fundraising will make a contribution to The Shed at no further cost to yourself.