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Pilot Project


This group was devised from the request and needs of young people to be given more intentional and relevant support to their upcoming transition to employment, studies and independent living. Having carried out feedback sessions amongst various S6 pupils over the past few years it was recognised that there was an increasing sense of feeling unprepared for leaving school. Whether there were those who knew the courses they wanted to do but were struggling with the thoughts of independent living or what options where out there, or those who didn’t want to pursue further studies but were unsure on what to do with their time, we have been able to provide support for any that fall in either category.

Pilot Project in Glasgow
Pilot Project at the BBC
Pilot Project at the BBC
Mayberry Garden's Speaking at the Pilot Project
Guest Speakers at the Pilot Project

Social Media and the Pilot Project

As we shared this initiative on our social media, the response was beyond what we expected. Businesses saw this opportunity for young people and were actually contacting us if they could get involved. From the pupils themselves, businesses who want to participate and the school who are keen for this engagement to continue, the Pilot Project continues to be a developing and thriving service for the senior pupils. So much so, year 1 we had 9 pupils engage in our trial year. This year, we have 35sixth years wanting to participate, meaning we are needing to run 2 groups. We are thrilled with the response to this and the ongoing partnership with the pupils to support the pupils in their transition from sixth year towards whatever their next step is.

This showed us that aside from the different perspective of the young people who would benefit from this, there was also a unique approach from the businesses in our community to offer their expertise to support the young people and even more so afford them to discover opportunities they may otherwise had never known about.

Pilot Project at Essence of Harris

Week 1

Guest Speaker
(Local Business Owner)

Week 2

Reflection and discussion about what the guest speaker shared

Week 3

Specific Topic (from the needs of the young people;  i.e. How to manage stress)

Week 4

Catch up; a time for the pupils to share how they are doing

Pilot Project at BBC Scotland

Collaborating for Success

The Pilot Project group were delighted to welcome David and Alison Carty, owners of Maybury Gardens in Stornoway to share with them their experiences of running their own business. David and Alison encouraged the pupils as they told their own stories of  being in education, employment and their journey to taking on the family business and the life lessons that have been so critical to them as they made these important decisions and how important giving back to the community is for them as a family business.

Essence of Harris hosted the Pilot Project for a full factory and shop tour. Owner Jamie McGowan shared his story from army life to starting a business on his kitchen table in Harris, to now being an employer with staff based in Harris and at his flagship store in Princes Square, Glasgow. Essence of Harris now export their luxury products to a global market place and the group were offered the opportunity of gaining work with the Princes Square store as they prepare for student life in Glasgow.

We also took the group away to Glasgow to visit the BBC for a tour to learn more about the professional work space as well as looking at ‘A day in the life of a student’ within the city. Many were nervous about public transportation, the area itself and this will allow us to ease their uncertainties and feel even more prepared for their upcoming move.
It was a very successful trip and the young people gained a lot from this opportunity.

Derek 'Pluto' Murray from the BBC was a welcome guest speaker at a regular Monday meeting of Pilot Project. Derek shared his own story of finding his career within media from an initial career in the police, the lessons he learned along the way to combining his media job with running his own tourism business on the Islands Heb 360 tours.


Get in Touch

If you're interested in partnering with us or have any questions about the Pilot Project, don't hesitate to get in touch.

01851 704557

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